Beautiful Handbag
I opened my package and that wonderful leather scent greeted me. I then removed the tissue paper and felt the embossed leather handbag. The leather is not super soft but it isn't stiff either. It is slightly malleable and has a nice supportive feel. The handbag is just the right size for me: It's not too big and not too small. It's got all the right compartments for my phone, small note pad, and a zippered pocket for my wallet. There's also a long shoulder bag strap, which I probably won't use much...but nevertheless is nice to have. Would love to have one in a burgundy shade! A WINNER!!!
Absolutely beautiful, thank you so very much!
As other reviews have mentioned this is a very well designed bag that is SO nicely priced! Along with being aesthetically pleasing it highlights the forethought of intentional functionality intertwined with beauty. The leather is lovely & the pattern is incredibly special while still being subtle enough for everyday use. The small details in particular - such as the feet on the bottom of the bag & the swiveling mechanisms used in attaching the detachable shoulder strap - are impeccable. The handles are also obviously quite sturdily made, which is a hallmark of many high quality handbags. It also features three useful organizational pockets & is lightweight enough to carry comfortably. My specific bag has the tiniest bit of ever so slightly irregularly cut leather around the outer zipper which means I LOVE this piece even more - as this makes it both one of a kind and fabulously unique proof that it was handmade! Thank you so very much to Fabiola Gonzalez and Novica for this purse!
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