I am continually impressed with the work put out by this master of his craft! Items always look like they are represented online and are just a treasure for me and my home office wall!
This to me is my most cherished piece, I got it yesterday and I immediately put it up on the wall where I can see it. I work on the computer alot of the day so I look at it often. I love it and a huge credit to the talented artist who made it!
"I worked with the chief's head carver for about 15 years, during which time I learned the various styles and techniques of Ashanti and Akwamu traditional methods of wood carving."
"Greetings from Ghana, West Africa, where we are thinking of you and thanking you for such a successful work year. From myself, my family, and my... read more
The Holiday Catalog
Discover our unique collection of beautiful, handmade objects from around the world, inspired by more than a century of exploration.