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Product ID: 295877
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Nyoman Ariawan crafts this charm bracelet inspired by Borobudur, the largest Buddhist temple in the world. A stupa is a dome-shaped structure used as a Buddhist shrine, which can be found in numerous countries throughout East Asia. Borobudur houses 72 Buddha statues which sit inside of bell-like stupas, with decorative diamond-shaped openings that reveal the statues inside. A tiny ringing charm representing one of these stupas dangles from this bracelet, along with a small image of Buddha.
You can find our sterling silver charm bracelet 'Buddha's Stupa Bell' by Nyoman Ariawan in jewellery categories such as Buddhism Bracelets, Buddha Bracelets, Geometric Bracelets, No Stone Bracelets and Silver Bracelets. Enjoy exploring these sections for other Novica treasures.
Covering Basic Needs
This artist striving to supporting their own or their family's basic needs and improve their livelihood.
Enabling Education
This artist is currently supporting and providing for the education of their children, grandchildren, or children in their community, whether it be at the primary, secondary, or university level.
Preserving Traditions
This artist uses traditional techniques handed down through the generations and/or creates culturally significant items, helping keep these traditions alive.
Microcredit Financing
Nyoman Ariawan has received 3 microcredit loans with 0% interest from Kiva and Novica, the first for $1100 and the most recent for $3100.
Job Creator
This artist positively impacts their community through job creation and provides jobs for 2 or more people.