I can wear this with a suit or jeans. It dresses up anything. I always get compliments on it, and people wonder where I got it. I always tell them. I have scarves from all over the world. This is the best way to get them without traveling.
The color and styling are superb with traditional motifs evident throughout. As an atypical size, perfect for smaller areas. Neither thin or over bulky - ideal for a floor piece or could easily be used as tapestry.
Highly recommend.
"Un día miré a mi alrededor y pude ver que estábamos rodeados de arte, pero la gente no lo valoraba lo suficiente y la pobreza se estaba asentando en nuestra comunidad".
Última actualización“En el 2002 comencé a exportar mis diseños tejidos a mano con la ayuda de ustedes. Siempre quise fortalecer la cultura zapoteca en... read more
The Catálogo de las dias festivos
Discover our unique collection of beautiful, handmade objects from around the world, inspired by more than a century of exploration.
Keepers of the Arts - Geometric Giftsgeometric sculpturesgreen geometric earringsgeometric wall decorgeometric clothinggeometric cushion coversgeometric dangle earringsplacas cranealeskente fashionalfombras de callecopper sculptureescultura indonesiawall relief art