Jul 12, 2024
A wonderful addition to my vase collection
There are many ways to be connected to your heritage. Mine is a discreet way with vases from the region. This vase arrived today in a well packaged box. It warned it was fragile and it should be handled with care. Therefore, opening it was consuming but i am grateful because the vase is in total great shape. The colors are not exactly like the picture, I think the artist may do variation on this theme. I am happy with the purchase. This is the second vase by Harry Garcia. Thank you !
Para mí, mi trabajo es una forma de comunicar la historia de Armenia al mundo, de mostrar su belleza, resiliencia y espíritu de una manera que resuene en personas de todos los ámbitos de la vida".
"Mi nombre es Sargis Margaryan, y vengo de la aldea de Arazap en la región de Armavir en Armenia, un lugar donde la tradición, la cultura y el... read more
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