Alok Jain does Beautiful Work
I stumbled upon Novica after researching gemstones and their significance. Work had been blah, my personal life was blah, I'd been training for a half marathon and hit a wall. Enter my Positivity ring by Alok. I feel myself becoming more balanced and at peace. I'm so thankful I stumbled upon Novica and was given the opportunity to purchase a piece of jewelry handcrafted by Alok.
At least as sweet on as it looks on line
I had this ring on my wish list for a while because I have a strange love for peridots, for anything purple, and for jewelry that gives a feeling of randomness in the fixed media of metal and stone. So glad I went ahead and got it! The sizing runs a little loose, but for me that's a very good thing. Can't wait to wave it under the nose of a friend who's a jeweler.
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