A treasure! Beautifully done,very solid so with proper care this mask should hold up for years and years to come.I fell in love with it when I saw it online,and it's just as fabulous in person.Wonderful piece!
Adorning my fireplace mantel, this Beautiful Enchanting Mask became the focal point of collaged carved wood pieces also purchased from NOVICA. Wish I could Attache a photo to show how it all looks!
The mask is light weight and has a a wonderful warm color that in neutral without being boring. Unlike so many masks, this one is serene and beautiful, rather than frightening. I love having it in the living room.
"Mis padres y mi hermano me enseñaron a hacer esculturas. Empecé viéndolos tallar madera en casa. Estaba emocionado con los resultados finales y trabajé duro para aprender a crearlos".
"Nací en 1975 en una familia de talladores de madera en un pequeño pueblo de Bali. Vivimos en una zona rural de la isla que es muy pacífica y... read more
East Meets West Maskseast meets west furniturenature masksreligious masksghanaian wood masksbird masksafrican ceremonial masksmascarillas sanitariasbuddhist necklaceleaf and tree earringswood peruanimal themed pendantscubiertos de madera