I just received my mask and it is simply gorgeous--every bit as nice as the photos on the website. I am looking forward to displaying it in my living room. Nice work!
Bravo pour cette merveille! Votre crèche va rejoindre notre collection de crèches du monde ;chaque année elle sera exposée au coté d'autres crèches dans notre village au moment de Noel.
très beau travail, merci.
I'm so impressed with the quality of work on my skeletal nativity set! Excellent work with vibrant colors. You can tell the artist put a lot of work and dedication to his craft!
Central American Multicolor Day of the Deadmexican day of the dead sculptureday of the dead ceramicsdia de los muertos jewelrycentral american furniturecentral american hammocksmulticolor dinnerwaremascarillas sanitariasplacas cranealeshand crafted christmas ornamentsmarcos de fotoscopper sculpturesescultura indonesia