Product ID: 459550
Causa sensación esta Navidad con un adorno de pulpo exquisitamente hecho a mano que seguramente llamará la atención. Artesanos guatemaltecos en el Santiago Atitlan Women's Group Reúna pacientemente innumerables pequeñas cuentas de vidrio azul, azul claro y transparente para crear esta colorida criatura marina, completa con brillantes ojos de cuentas de cristal. Deje que este accesorio único traiga alegría y maravilla a sus celebraciones navideñas.
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I bought one, then I bought a second. I am going to add them to a few wired driftwood and air plant designs I am making. They are cute for having in a window or as decoration for a houseplant. Be creative!
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Very beautiful bead work. Extremely lovely. Gave it as a Christmas gift to a very dear and beautiful friend.
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So glad to see this set is available again. When it bought the set, it was the last one available. I kept one for myself and gave the other one to a friend. Dragonflies are very special. I have purchased many of these beaded ornaments from Santiago Atitlan Womens Group.
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