Product ID: 454808
Deja que el amor crezca prósperamente en tu interior con esta adorable creación originaria de Guatemala. Marleny Chajon utiliza técnicas tradicionales de tejido para elaborar a mano este adorno para el hogar en crochet, cuyos hilos de algodón forman una hermosa maceta donde descansa armoniosamente un cactus en forma de corazón, mostrando una flor amarilla como símbolo de alegría.
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Verified Reviewer
I purchased three different sets from Marleny and I could not be more pleased with any of them. The artistry is outstanding. They were all larger than I anticipated, but that totally works for me and my display ideas. Thanks so much Marleny and Novica!
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Verified Reviewer
I purchased three different sets from Marleny and I could not be more pleased with any of them. The artistry is outstanding. They were all larger than I anticipated, but that totally works for me and my display ideas. Thanks so much Marleny and Novica!
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Verified Reviewer
I purchased three different sets from Marleny and I could not be more pleased with any of them. The artistry is outstanding. They were all larger than I anticipated, but that totally works for me and my display ideas. Thanks so much Marleny and Novica!
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“Crochet también me permitió cuidar personalmente a mi hijo y estar con él durante sus etapas más importantes de desarrollo”.
"Nací y crecí en la hermosa y pequeña ciudad de Antigua. Es un lugar maravilloso para vivir, puedes percibir el arte en cada rincón del pueblo.... read more