Procedente de artesano balinés. Gio, este panel de pared es tan encantador como único. Usando cuatro piezas de madera de albesia y conectándolas con bisagras de metal, el artesano crea un panel de pared plegable que representa una flor en crecimiento en hermosos tonos de rojo y azul. El artista remata el diseño con un maravilloso acabado antiguo, lo que aumenta su encanto y belleza.
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Verified Reviewer
This is a very nice and well made piece. It s so cool looking my husband is going to love it.
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These arrived in record time and I am so happy. I am giving them to my brother who has a tree up year round and decorated for each holiday. These are perfect for Valentines Day. Thank you, Gio. I see a great future for you in the field of artistry.
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Verified Reviewer
This bird totem was larger than expected and handsomely done. It was a gift for my adult sons birthday. Birds are drawn to him so this was a perfect gift that enjoyed very much.
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