Esta intrigante máscara es el diseño original del artesano ghanés Victor Dushie. La máscara está tallada a mano en madera de ofuntum y acentuada con aluminio en relieve. El artesano pinta la máscara a mano en tonos rojizos, amarillos y negros.
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This mask is small, just like it says. It was a gift for my brother and he loved it. The little bit of metal made it so different. All over a perfect mask..
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This is an exceptional piece! Thank you
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Verified Reviewer
This is a true piece of art! I purchased this piece as I wanted something from my Ghanaian ancestry and to help support artists from the country. A testament to the creators skill. You can see the quality of work the artist has put into the piece! Would reccommend everyone to look into Victors work and support his business
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