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Product ID: 221238
Florid Indonesian motifs climb the swirling paths of pillars that are designed to hold the soft glow of tealights. Etched freehand on black, the Goth-like effect is captivating. Women from Lombok Pottery Center craft the ceramic tealight holders by hand and finish them by wiping them with a cloth and coconut dregs to achieve a unique matte glazed finish.
The artisans advise keeping ceramic pieces away from cold temperatures. Hand wash only and allow to dry thoroughly before storing.
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Los alfareros miembros son mujeres que trabajan desde casa porque quieren que sus hijos reciban una mejor educaciĆ³n para una vida mejor".
"LPC, o Centro de CerƔmica de Lombok, fue fundado en Lombok en 1988. AdemƔs de sus hermosas playas y cascadas, Lombok tambiƩn es conocido por sus... read more