"El verde es el color de los valles y montañas que nos rodean", dicen las mujeres de K'amolon K'i K'ojonel, quienes orgullosamente perpetúan sus clásicas técnicas de tejido. Tejido en telar de cintura en rayón hecho de bambú, este poncho es a la vez clásico y contemporáneo en tonos de verde, turquesa y azul.
Dado que los hilos son teñidos por las mujeres, espere ligeras diferencias en el tono y la disposición del color.
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I had a beautiful poncho somewhat similar to this which I finally wore out. This is a finer texture than the bamboo cotton and the fringe carries a lovely sheen. The medium weight drapes well, perfect for those warmer fall days. The accompanying note read thanks for your support, hugs in Spanish. Well besos y abrazos to the wonderful women weavers in the co-op who so skillfully and lovingly support war survivors. You are amazing! As ever, I wear your beautiful work with love and pride.
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Kamolons poncho is everything described. I like wearing it with a tank top underneath or a three-quarters length cotton shirt. Can be dressed up or down. Mostly I love knowing something about the artist and supporting her excellent work.
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Verified Reviewer
Colors are stunning and go with many items. Very soft, long enough to wrap multiple ways. Good workmanship and well worth it. Love it! Thank you for your lovely work.
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