Flecos de cuero rodean un original bolso de mano tipo cesta. Paul Nurture diseña un bolso a partir de fibras naturales, dándole un segundo uso a la hoja de maíz. Consciente de la ecología, teje las fibras a mano, recortando la pieza y cubriendo las asas con rafia. Un alegre forro de algodón se cierra con un cordón.
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I literally gasped when I opened the package. This handbag is exquisite. The inside material is chocolate brown, light burnt orange, and light tan, and does in fact close with a drawstring--an ingenious way to allow the bag to remain fully open or to snug it shut for security. When not pulled closed, the top material lies neatly against the interior walls of the bag & out of the way. The outside of the bag is tightly woven in a pattern similar to the picture on the Novica website, and the bag itself is sturdy & sits nicely upright due to its flat bottom. The bag is not too big, not too small, and its easy to carry. I bought it for a beach-side wedding this summer, and its just perfect. It seems so well made as to last me the rest of my life! Thank you for a such a unique & beautiful item.
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"Trabajo con todo tipo de materiales: hojas de maíz, hojas de plátano, tela kente, telas, cuero, madera contrachapada, espuma, rafia, cordeles y cordones de algodón".
"Nací en Accra, pero mi familia proviene de Obo, en la región oriental de Ghana. "Mi difunto tío, Fred Oppong, me enseñó a tejer con hojas... read more