Product ID: 431452
Una paleta de tonos amarillos y negros aporta un toque tradicional. Lurik patrón cobra vida, añadiendo un toque elegante a esta pulsera de algodón de la Lawe Lurik Community de Java. Los artesanos tejen el bolso a mano con algodón y le añaden una correa desmontable y un bolsillo frontal con cremallera con un colgante de hierro brillante. El interior también muestra la alta calidad del diseño: viene con un forro de algodón, múltiples compartimentos, seis ranuras para tarjetas y dos bolsillos de malla, todos asegurados por un cierre principal con cremallera.
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This is a lovely little piece of my daily routine! I use it to bring my morning and evening hygiene products from my room to the restroom. This is a necessity for me as a result of my current living situation and could easily translate to anyone who utilizes a shared restroom but does not want to leave their products in an unsecured area. I find it quite aesthetically pleasing and is made from high quality materials. (P.S. MAKE SURE that you are aware of the provided measurements - it is perfect for me but you should make sure that you know exactly what you are purchasing before you do so!!)
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My bedridden mom loves this. Glasses, books, tablet, snacks etc. are now within reach without cluttering up beside table.
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This was larger than I anticipated- I can use it as a clutch as well as a wallet. It is very nicely made.
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La comunidad Lawe Luric busca preservar las tradiciones de tejido a mano de Indonesia y, al mismo tiempo, empoderar a las mujeres, animándolas a contribuir a mejorar su sustento...
La comunidad de Lawe Lurik estaba formada por cinco mujeres: Adinindyah, Westiani Agustin, Rina Anita, Ita Natalia y Paramita Iswari, personas... read more