Product ID: 255860
¿Quién podría resistirse a la dulzura de un cachorro cocker spaniel de pelo largo, especialmente uno que está durmiendo? Nengah Sudarsana de Bali talla esta adorable escultura a mano en madera de suar, capturando maravillosamente la pose relajada del perrito.
Tenga en cuenta: la escultura está diseñada para colocarse en el borde de un estante o mesa para que cuelgue por el costado.
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I think Nengahs sleeping sculptures are ideal for memorializing pets. I painted this one to look like my Beagle who passed away. I wish there was a way to show the artist what I did with his piece, and how much I appreciate it. These are beautiful carvings with a great attention to detail. Thank you!,I think Nengahs sleeping sculptures are ideal for memorializing pets. I painted this one to look like my Beagle who passed away. I wish there was a way to show the artist what I did with his piece, and how much I appreciate it. These are beautiful carvings with a great attention to detail. Thank you!
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My coworker is a fisherman and she also loves saving the turtles in Florida. This was the best gift she d received, and it was as if I gave her the world. The craftsmanship was perfect, and as always made with lots of precision and Care.
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Excellent workmanship but I was disappointed that the blue area was not as big or as bright as in photo. Looks like just a small accent of a darker or navy blue. I think it needs that beautiful brighter shade of blue to be at its best and is one of the reasons I purchased it.
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