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Product ID: 281624
En el reverso de los paneles de cristal se pintan a mano elegantes mariposas y motivos florales. artesano peruano Asunta Pelaez crea esta caja decorativa, realizando la composición en una variedad de colores sobre un fondo azul cielo.
You can find our caja decorativa de vidrio pintado al revés by Asunta Pelaez in decor accessories categories such as Hand Painted Decorative Boxes, Bohemian Decorative Boxes, Reverse Painted Glass Decorative Boxes, Animal Themed Decorative Boxes and Floral Decorative Boxes. Enjoy exploring these sections for other Novica treasures.
Confronting Adversity
In 2016, Asunta was diagnosed with a serious throat disease. She has no health insurance and uses her earnings from NOVICA to fund her treatments. She also has a husband and her workers who depend on her. Through all this, she has shown such perseverance and strength and continues to work hard and balance her responsibilities.
Preserving Traditions
Asunta uses the traditional Peruvian technique of reverse-painted glass. Brought to Peru during the colonial period, every detail is done by hand, requiring great skill and patience. She teaches the technique to others through her workshop and hopes they will continue to practice and pass down the traditional technique to keep it alive for future generations.
Moving On Up
Asunta's sales have increased more than threefold since she joined Novica. When Asunta first started out, she had a small workshop with two part-time assistants. Now she is able to rent a larger space close to her home and provide work for more people.
Microcredit Financing
Asunta Pelaez has received 8 microcredit loans with 0% interest from Kiva and Novica, the first for $1800 and the most recent for $2850. Proceeds were used to invest in the purchase of wood, paint and lacquer for production.
Job Creator
In addition to the artisans she employs full time, Asunta works with one temporary artisan — another NOVICA artisan who helps Asunta with the most physically demanding parts of her work because of her illness.
Enabling Education
This artist is currently supporting and providing for the education of their children, grandchildren, or children in their community, whether it be at the primary, secondary, or university level.
Profound Impact
Asunta's sales are critical to supporting herself, her elder husband and her workers along with their families. Her personal health situation makes each sale that much more important.
Empowering Women
The Women's Empowerment badge is awarded to female artisans or artisan groups that are led by women.
"Un sueño es un deseo que hace tu corazón. No se hace realidad a través de la magia. Requiere determinación y trabajo duro".
"Mi pasión por el arte viene de lo más profundo de mi corazón. Está en mi ADN. Desde niño asistía a todas las clases de dibujo y pintura en la... read more