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Belén de cerámica (Juego de 13), "Totonicapán"

Product ID: 183840

De José Arriola, este encantador pesebre representa a la Sagrada Familia, ángeles y pastores en los tejidos tradicionales de Totonicapán en el sureste... more


En tu carrito


De José Arriola, este encantador pesebre representa a la Sagrada Familia, ángeles y pastores en los tejidos tradicionales de Totonicapán en el sureste de Guatemala. Elaborados y pintados a mano, van acompañados de un burro, una mansa vaca y dos mullidas ovejas.

  • 0.93 kgs
  • 2.1 lbs
  • 3.3" H x 1.6" W x 1.6" D
  • 3.3" H x 1.6" W x 1.6" D

  • Hand-crafted item -- color, size and/or motif may vary slightly
  • Made in Guatemala
  • Certified and shipped by our office in Guatemalaicon info
  • Product ID: 183840
Jose Arriola
Jose Arriola


Figuras y adornos de cerámica

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Jan 29, 2023

ora è parte della mia collezione di presepi”

Elegante e colorato presepe che riproduce costumi tradizionali del Guatemala

Purchased Item Totonicapan, Ceramic nativity scene (Set of 13)

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Verified Reviewer

Mar 06, 2025

Vibrant and colorful Hummingbirds”

My grandson loves Hummingbirds. These Birds look so beautiful on his DIY tree. Definitely worth the value.

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Verified Reviewer

Mar 04, 2025

Lord of the Sun”

These ornaments are just beautiful and a lovely addition to my collection. Thank you for your time and talent in making these ornaments.


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Your Purchase Makes a Difference!

Preserving Traditions

Preserving Traditions

Jose creates the most beautiful ceramic ornaments and figurines. His family has lived in Antigua for more than 100 years and he takes great pride in practicing the same ceramic techniques his ancestors used. He wishes to help this tradition continue and he teaches anyone in his community who has an interest in learning.

Microcredit Financing

Microcredit Financing

Jose Arriola has received 7 microcredit loans with 0% interest from Kiva and Novica, the first for $450 and the most recent for $2550. Proceeds were used to purchase paints and materials for his ceramics to continue production.

Enabling Education

Enabling Education

Jose's children are all grown but but he does provide financial support for the education of one person outside of his family and he occasionally supports other children's school expenses.

Confronting Adversity

Confronting Adversity

Jose has been dealing with diabetes for over 17 years. His condition has caused many problems for him, but currently he is able to control it and enjoy his life.

Job Creator

Job Creator

Jose provides employment to several people within his community.

Customer & Stylist Suggestions

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