Este crucifijo colgante representa a Jesús en la cruz y está diseñado por la artesana ghanesa Joycelyn Sena Zigah. Ella crea este reluciente colgante de plata esterlina, acentuado por una combinación de acabados.
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Thank you for this well made gleaming cross. I love it so much that I ordered another one to have for a gift.
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I am recently saved and had been looking for my lifetime devotional cross to wear. I had purchased a couple other items from Mexican artists in silver from NOVICA. I did not create an account at that time. I loved this immediately on arrival!!! Thank you so much for your well considered creativity in the integration of the adinkra. I will wear it all my days. Regards, Timothy Timber Sewell
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I wear Mrs. Zigahs cross and ring every day along with Mr. Akuteyes earrings.
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