Product ID: 421774
Se cree que los camaleones representan cambio, flexibilidad, adaptabilidad y crecimiento personal, y con eso en mente artesano peruano. Cristian Davila Diseñó este encantador collar colgante que no se parece a nada que haya visto antes. El collar colgante con forma de camaleón está elaborado con plata 950 y coronado con una hermosa piedra de ojo de tigre ingeniosamente atrapada entre las patas del lagarto.
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I am so delighted with the hummingbird earrings. The colors are bright and the size is perfect. I m ordering another pair as a gift.
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I collect butterflys necklaces in different stones and designs. This is an awesome piece of jewelry. It is very detail and intricate. The artist must have a keen eye for detail and steady skilled hands to make it perfect. I cant thank you enough.
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Verified Reviewer
I like these earrings very much, they are exquisite, colourful and cheery. Great idea and skill of the Artist ! Thank you !
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