Product ID: 302739
El resplandor chispeante del peridoto se mezcla con el deslumbramiento del topacio azul, el granate, el citrino, la amatista y el cuarzo ahumado para crear este reluciente colgante. Las gemas facetadas, con un peso de un quilate cada una, se unen para formar una colorida rueda, enmarcada en plata de ley rodiada. Hema presenta el collar, que centra una cadena de cable de plata de ley.
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The pendant is a delightful item. The stones have been placed with great care so that a harmonious relationship exists between neighbouring colours and around the complete circle. Very attractive - will be a pleasure to wear.
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This bracelet is very pretty and I like wearing it in the summer
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Verified Reviewer
The earrings look a lot better in person! They sit nicely on the ear and the name is charming. I enjoyed them, thank you!
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