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Product ID: 460954
Inspirado en el esplendor de lo tradicional jali Arquitectura del Imperio Mughal, artesano indio. Chander Kant diseña un collar de cuentas con un precioso colgante de madera de ébano tallado a mano. El colgante tiene forma de hoja de betel y está cubierto con un intrincado motivo floral entrelazado.
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Love this necklace. I purchased this as a Christmas present for my wife. Very much looking forward to giving it to her.
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Like the wood carving. Light weight. Attractive
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Love owls! So glad to get this. Well made!
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You can find our collar colgante de madera de ébano by Chander Kant in jewelry categories such as Jali Necklaces, Leaf and Tree Necklaces, Floral Necklaces, No Stone Necklaces and Ebony Wood Necklaces. Enjoy exploring these sections for other Novica treasures.
Preserving Traditions
Chander's family members have been carvers for generations. He grew up watching his father, uncle and other relatives carve but it is his grandfather who taught him. His family has a small workshop that produces wood jewelry and other carvings using chisels and traditional hand tools. Chander regularly conducts workshops and other educational training sessions for thousands of artisans from all over India. He is dedicated to preserving wood carving and other traditional Indian arts. He is a prominently recognized artisan and has received numerous awards.
Caring for Children
Chander provides for his two children and is determined to give them every opportunity to succeed in life.
Microcredit Financing
Chander Kant has received a $1200 microcredit loan with 0% interest.
Enabling Education
Chander provides for the education of his two children.
"La talla ha sido una tradición familiar que se transmite de generación en generación. Papá me enseñó en el taller familiar, pero formalmente hablando, mi abuelo fue mi maestro".
"Aprendí mi oficio de mi padre. Cuando era niño, solía ver a mi padre y a mi tío hacer hermosas esculturas. Todos solían trabajar juntos en casa... read more