Inspirándose en diseños textiles clásicos de Ayacucho en los Andes peruanos, Alicia Huaman crea un moderno cinturón negro tejido a mano con lana y realzado con intrincados bordados florales y de hojas a mano en una impresionante variedad de colores. Este magnífico accesorio ofrece estilo, versatilidad y comodidad con su ajuste ajustable y hebilla y herrajes de zamac bañados en bronce bellamente completados con un acabado antiguo.
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It is way too long. I have it on last hole and it still does not cinch tight. If you have small waist, I would definitely look elsewhere unless youre looking for a loose look.
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My sister was thrilled to receive this beautiful piece of wearable art.
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I absolutely love this color and design. What a beautiful and vibrant wool head band for those who appreciate finer handcrafts. Alicia Huaman is the best!
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