Product ID: 421982
Hecha a mano en cerámica a altas temperaturas, esta dulce familia de coloridos colibríes es la decoración perfecta para cualquier interior. Para dar vida a esta encantadora creación, José Arriola emplea una técnica artesanal de su Guatemala natal que se remonta a la antigüedad de los mayas. Esta vibrante familia de colibríes pintada a mano es el regalo perfecto para los amantes de las aves interesados ??en llevar un pedacito de la cultura guatemalteca a sus hogares.
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My husbands mother was from Guatemala, and she loved hummingbirds. So when I saw these ornaments, I knew theyd be perfect for him. Each bird is decorated with a unique design, and they are all lovely and vibrant. For convenience, they come with a colorful pouch for storage (if you only want them as Christmas ornaments). But you can also hang them around the house for a pop of color and beauty.
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What a great idea to create these tiny animals molded and painted with such patience and creativity. I am an all animals lover. My next small Christmas tree will be a Noahs Ark Friends one. It will be admired and loved for sure and I hope it will inspire friends and family to purchase these tiny marvels from the very talented Jose Arriola. Congratulations for these wonderful creations!
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My grandson loves Hummingbirds. These Birds look so beautiful on his DIY tree. Definitely worth the value.
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