Product ID: 358179
Por artesano brasileño Doca Leite, este hermoso cuenco decorativo de cerámica conserva el arte cerámico del antiguo pueblo Marajoara. En el centro, se presenta un glifo de tortuga, rodeado por un color sólido en rojo con patrones y motivos intrincados que decoran su exterior.
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It looks exactly like in the picture, very old and culturally accurate. You might enjoy reading about Brazils legendary Marajoara ceramics as explained by Doca Leite in her Meet the Artist section. She has dedicated her career to preserving the Marajoara ceramics tradition. I found this very interesting and I am happy to support her in her efforts, and I found myself looking at her art as more than just something to buy. More power to her!
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My son married a beautiful lady from Brazil last year and they had their first child a few days before her birthday in December so we missed celebrating her day because of that and the pandemic. So for her birthday I wanted to get her something to remind her of her country. When I found this vase I thought it was perfect, not to mention how beautiful I thought it was. It arrived before Christmas and she was delighted. The handwritten note in Portuguese was a special touch. The vase arrived in perfect condition and looks beautiful in her home. Thank you. Ill be looking forward to more purchases in the future.
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this vase just catches everyones eye
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"De este arte, podría ganarme la vida, criar a mis hijos y, lo más importante, preservar el legado de una cultura antigua".
Doca Leite nació en el estado norteño de Pará. Su interés por la cerámica comenzó muy temprano. “Empecé yendo a ver trabajar a la gente en un taller... read more