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Escultura arqueológica única en cerámica., "Señor ai aepec"

Product ID: 171288

Lord Ai Aepec aparece de pie sobre un orbe con las manos juntas mirando hacia el cielo. Tiene colmillos felinos y está flanqueado por serpientes. El... more


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Lord Ai Aepec aparece de pie sobre un orbe con las manos juntas mirando hacia el cielo. Tiene colmillos felinos y está flanqueado por serpientes. El orbe está adornado con un molusco y una vasija como símbolos del alimento y agua que proporciona esta deidad moche. José Acosta elabora un extraordinario huaco escultura mientras domina las técnicas cerámicas para crear la ilusión de una pieza envejecida. A través de su arte, Acosta honra antiguas creencias en las que Ai Aepec es considerado el señor creador y protector del pueblo Moche, proveedor de alimentos y agua, así como de triunfos militares. Era muy venerado y temido, porque se creía que este dios sediento de sangre exigía el sacrificio de jóvenes guerreros.

  • 0.28 kgs
  • 0.6 lbs
  • 16.5 cm H x 7.5 cm W x 11.4 cm D
  • 6.5" H x 3" W x 4.5" D

  • Requires special handling -- allow an extra 14 days for delivery
  • Museum replica(s)
  • Made in Peru
  • Certified and shipped by our office in Perúicon info
  • Product ID: 171288
Walter Jose Acosta
Walter Jose Acosta

Los Andes

Réplicas arqueológicas de cerámica

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Verified Reviewer

Feb 17, 2024

Great work!”

As every piece, incredible work.

Purchased Item Lord Ai Aepec, Unique Archaeological Ceramic Sculpture

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Verified Reviewer

Jun 23, 2017

Superior craftsmanship”

Excellent replica molding of the original Moche vessel. Type of clay used, thin wall, coloring of hand painting, and aging look make this a collectors item. Signed and professional packing and shipping. Thanks to Walter Acosta and NOVICA !! Michael Garland, Lake Stevens, Washington USA

Study display
Purchased Item Lord Ai Aepec, Unique Archaeological Ceramic Sculpture

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Verified Reviewer

Feb 24, 2025

Excelente réplica de cerámica retrato moche”

Extraordinaria réplica , realista , naturalista de un personaje moche , en rojo y crema ; Walter consigue transportarte a esa magnífica cultura con sus manos .

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Preserving Traditions

Preserving Traditions

This artist uses traditional techniques handed down through the generations and/or creates culturally significant items, helping keep these traditions alive.

Microcredit Financing

Microcredit Financing

Walter Jose Acosta has received 6 microcredit loans with 0% interest from Kiva and Novica, the first for $400 and the most recent for $600. Proceeds were used to invest in the purchase of a new kiln as well as in clay, pigments and paintbrushes.

Enabling Education

Enabling Education

This artist is currently supporting and providing for the education of their children, grandchildren, or children in their community, whether it be at the primary, secondary, or university level.

Covering Basic Needs

Covering Basic Needs

This artist striving to supporting their own or their family's basic needs and improve their livelihood.

Profound Impact

Profound Impact

Every purchase from this artist has a profound impact on their livelihood and income.

Moving On Up

Moving On Up

This artist has dramatically improved their livelihood by working with NOVICA.

Caring for Children

Caring for Children

This artist supports children under the age of 18.

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