Este perrito regordete y de piel arrugada, que aúlla a la luna, es una réplica de los que se encuentran en las tumbas de pozo del oeste de México. Los artesanos de la Asociación de Artesanos Ángel Cerón representan al xoloitzcuintli, Especie alegre y sin corteza muy apreciada por el hombre antiguo. Esculpidas en barro como ofrendas funerarias, acompañaban a sus amos en la muerte para ayudar al alma a cruzar ríos de sangre por el camino de los muertos. Se trata de una réplica de una pieza de museo procedente de Comala, Colima.
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I love Mexico's ancient cultures, archaeology sites, and handicrafts, and I've adopted "Dia de los muertos" as a tradition for remembering my parents, grandparents, and ancestors. As a dog lover, I wanted a representation of my old canine friends, as well, and this figure guards their memory on my Day of the Dead altar and on my bookcase year-round. It has very special meaning for me.
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This is my second dog from this important group of artisans. I appreciate their work to keep this art alive. Perfectly made and finished. A favorite!
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This sculptures are amazing, the level of detail, and character that the faces have, is just amazing. I will continue to buy these sculptures! This artist is fantastic, and they are my favourite Xolo sculptures of all time!
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Highly skilled interpretation of Olmec Wrestler. Love it. Angel Ceron Artisan Association has some marvelous pieces. My son gave me another sculpture that I cherish as well. Buy with confidence. The packing job was extraordinary! Ive never seen anything like it! If youre worried about fragile ceramic pieces, dont be. Ive never seen such a professional packing job.
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Lovely, detailed, historical piece
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What a beautifully made mask! And PERFECTLY packaged for its trip to its new home. Excellent!!!!
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