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Escultura de Alebrije de Rana Verde de Madera Hecha a Mano de México, "Rana Arbórea Verde"

Product ID: 397829

Una rana arborícola realista cobra vida en madera de copal tallada y pintada a mano. Pablo and Lucy Mendez continuar con lo tradicional alebrije arte... more


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Una rana arborícola realista cobra vida en madera de copal tallada y pintada a mano. Pablo and Lucy Mendez continuar con lo tradicional alebrije arte popular que aprendieron de sus propios padres. Esta encantadora criatura aporta un toque de fantasía a cualquier entorno.

La tradición del alebrije de Oaxaca deriva del arte de Pedro Linares (1906-1992), un artista de papel maché de la Ciudad de México. Mientras estaba en coma durante una enfermedad grave, se encontró en un bosque de ensueño con criaturas fantasiosas hechas con partes del cuerpo de diferentes animales. Gritaron: "Alebrije", ¡Alebrije!" Cuando despertó, Linares elaboró ??las figuras en papel maché y su influencia llegó hasta Oaxaca, donde están talladas en madera de copal.

Debido a que cada escultura es una obra de arte popular creada individualmente, las formas las dicta la rama de madera y pueden variar ligeramente.

  • 20 grams
  • 0.71 oz
  • 3.8" H x 7.75" W x 4.1" D
  • 3.8" H x 7.75" W x 4.1" D

  • Hand-crafted item -- color, size and/or motif may vary slightly
  • Signed by the artist
  • Made in Mexico
  • Certified and shipped by our office in Méxicoicon info
  • Product ID: 397829
Pablo and Lucy Mendez
Pablo and Lucy Mendez


Figuras de alebrije mexicano artesanal tradicional

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Jan 30, 2022

I collect these and these are great!”

This was absolutely beautiful. I collect these animals and I love this one because I also collect frog figurines. The colors and shape are great! I highly recommend these fun and well crafted animals!

Purchased Item Green Tree Frog, Handmade Wood Green Frog Alebrije Sculpture from Mexico

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Verified Reviewer

Aug 21, 2021

Frog is cheery friend”

nicely made but delicate. cleaners broke ours so I am replacing it. Love its whimsical look.

Purchased Item Green Tree Frog, Handmade Wood Green Frog Alebrije Sculpture from Mexico

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Verified Reviewer

Feb 07, 2025

Curiosity Purple Cat”

This beautiful cat is in my curio cabinet. Every time I pass by it, this cat puts a smile on my face. Its very well made and arrived on time and well packaged. Thanks to the makers of this wonderful piece of art. Glad I purchased this item.

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NOVICA Recognized Master

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Profound Impact

Profound Impact

Pablo’s profits from the alebrij sculptures he creates for NOVICA allow him to create and financially support a healthy life for his wife and two children.

Job Creator

Job Creator

This artist positively impacts their community through job creation and provides jobs for 2 or more people.

Empowering Women

Empowering Women

The Women's Empowerment badge is awarded to female artisans or artisan groups that are led by women.

Enabling Education

Enabling Education

Lucy's income allows her to provide a necessary basic education to their children in their home.

Moving On Up

Moving On Up

This artist has dramatically improved their livelihood by working with NOVICA.

Caring for Children

Caring for Children

Lucy financially supports their two children.

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