Artista de África occidental Cynthia Danquah presenta esta hermosa escultura tallada a mano en madera de sese que representa a una mujer africana sosteniendo sobre su cabeza el botín del día del mercado. Akonobaa Significa "mujer hermosa" en el idioma Akan, y esta escultura, con su falda y parte superior de cuentas de vidrio reciclado, es la celebración perfecta de la forma femenina.
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Ohemaa, wood pendant necklace is large, but well proportioned to hang in a way that is flattering when worn. Very eye-catching, unique artistic necklace. Coordinates with Paglayiri earrings made by IIa Suleyman. Happy with purchase.
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Very pretty. Love the natural colors.
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Verified Reviewer
This is a lovely elephant in every way. I am so lucky to have it!
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