El mexicano Armando Ramírez transforma el metal en una escultura de belleza andrógina. Corta las láminas de hierro en cuadrados y rectángulos de diferentes tamaños y los suelda para formar una escultura. "No pretende representar sólo a una mujer, por eso a esta escultura la llamé 'Androginia'", dice el artista mexicano.
Ramírez prefiere no dar a sus esculturas un acabado pulido fino, por lo que pueden presentar manchas y rayones.
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I love this piece, which is exactly as pictured and described. It has a rich patina and smooth finish, and everyone who has seen it remarks on it. I really appreciate the artist making old auto parts into something so beautiful!
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Great craftsmanship and a real work of art. The piece really makes a statement. Very pleased!
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This was a gift for someone, and they loved it.
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