Product ID: 429486
Un símbolo de coraje y libertad, esta escultura de madera de cedro es otra magnífica creación de Suga de Perú. Después de tallar a mano cada parte con dedicación, el resultado final es una pequeña águila meditando, con detalles pintados a mano que le dan un toque cautivador a la obra de arte.
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I lost my father last year and my mothers sister has ended up feeling a lot of the emotional support role he offered. My father was really into meditation and my aunt really likes harpy eagles, and so I just love this piece.
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My meditative cat arrived about an hour ago. This wood sculpture is absolutely beautiful. It is finely crafted and painted beautifully. The face on this little guy is what gets me. He truly does seem to be meditating while at the same time looking very mischievous. I ordered him because he looks so much like one of my own cats. Do not hesitate to order. This would be a wonderful gift for someone who loves cats. I will treasure him!
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“Disfruto especialmente relacionar todo mi arte con la conservación. Mi motivación es el amor que siento por la Amazonía y por la naturaleza.”
"Nací en Junín en 1964 y desde que tengo memoria me gusta el arte. Cuando era adolescente iba a la parroquia y ayudaba a las monjas a pintar... read more