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Product ID: 310366
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El artesano guatemalteco Mauricio Morales crea una lechuza oriental que escudriña sus horizontes en esta figurilla de cerámica. Este hermoso pájaro está esculpido y pintado a mano con detalles meticulosos para capturar la semejanza de la especie. Listo para posarse en su hogar o patio, las patas y los pies de alambre de aluminio se pueden doblar para colocar el ave a su gusto.
You can find our estatuilla de cerámica by Mauricio Morales in sculpture categories such as Hand Painted Sculpture, Animal Themed Sculpture and Ceramic Sculpture. Enjoy exploring these sections for other Novica treasures.
Covering Basic Needs
This artist striving to supporting their own or their family's basic needs and improve their livelihood.
Enabling Education
This artist is currently supporting and providing for the education of their children, grandchildren, or children in their community, whether it be at the primary, secondary, or university level.
Preserving Traditions
This artist uses traditional techniques handed down through the generations and/or creates culturally significant items, helping keep these traditions alive.
Profound Impact
Every purchase from this artist has a profound impact on their livelihood and income.
Microcredit Financing
Mauricio Morales has received a $250 microcredit loan with 0% interest.
Confronting Adversity
This artist is currently confronting a major life challenge.
Caring for Children
This artist supports children under the age of 18.