Una figura esquelética, de pie con las manos levantadas en la postura de las mujeres que mueren durante el parto. Artesanos de la Asociación de Artesanos Ángel Cerón esculpen la imagen de Coatlicue, "La de la falda de serpiente". La diosa mexica de la tierra y madre de los dioses, su imagen lleva el símbolo "Ocho Malinalli, o "hierba". Su hijo Huitzilopochtli, el dios del sol y dios de la guerra, la defendió de los poderes de la noche.
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What an expertly crafted and beautifully detailed sculpture. It is a powerful piece and museum quality. Arrived in perfect condition.
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for a fan of Day of the Dead items
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Ive ordered several of these Codex pieces from Angel Ceron Artisan and they are beautiful works of art. Tezcatlipoca is amazing and I am lucky to have gotten one before they sold out. I have several others including Tlaloc and Quetzalcoatl, etc. They are incredible and worth every penny. I can say that the packaging they come in is 100% secure and that I am always amazed at how professionally they are packaged and shipped. They come from Mexico and always come with a hand written note on a postcard from Palenque.
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