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El esplendor escarlata del granate se convierte en flores, rodeadas de brillantes pétalos blancos. Engastado con circonita cúbica, 12 preciosos medallones centran este collar. Hema trabaja en plata esterlina para crear este espectacular diseño.
Plata de ley .925
You can find our collar en forma de Y de granate by Hema in jewelry categories such as Birthstone Necklaces, Garnet Necklaces, Cubic Zirconia Necklaces, Silver Necklaces and Sterling Silver Necklaces. Enjoy exploring these sections for other Novica treasures.
Job Creator
This artist positively impacts their community through job creation and provides jobs for 2 or more people.
Empowering Women
The Women's Empowerment badge is awarded to female artisans or artisan groups that are led by women.
Moving On Up
This artist has dramatically improved their livelihood by working with NOVICA.
Caring for Children
This artist supports children under the age of 18.