Product ID: 292548
Disfrute sirviendo platos de pasta con esta cuchara para espaguetis tallada a mano de Guatemala. Para elaborarlo, los miembros de Petén Wood Artisan Sculptors utilizan madera de manchiche, que es originaria de la región de Petén en Guatemala.
Lavar a mano con agua y jabón. Nunca utilizar lavavajillas ni exponer la madera a fuentes de calor o agua, ya que podrían deformarla. Para renovar el brillo, pulir la madera con aceite vegetal y un paño suave.
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I gave this spaghetti spoon as a gift to my daughter. She sent me a picture of herself using it. She was delighted to throw out her plastic one to enjoy this one.
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These are crafted well
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Ive been using these a couple years now and they are by far my favorite kitchen utensils. I was worried they wouldnt hold up over time, especially since I put them in the dishwasher, but they are very rugged, while being non-scratch unlike metal, and also not wasteful plastic!
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