Un ejemplo extraordinario de la magnífica escultura de Wayan Rendah, esta pieza elaborada en el estilo Megulet significa una profunda tarea técnica y espiritual. El yogui en trance inclina su cuerpo y presiona su cabeza contra las palmas abiertas, balanceándose hacia adelante y hacia atrás sobre las piernas cruzadas. Los músculos y tendones de sus brazos y piernas se estiran tensamente mientras reza con incesante fervor. La pieza emite un poderoso aura de piedad, de ascetismo religioso y de abnegación.
Los yoguis son hombres santos y grandes místicos, muchos de los cuales también poseen el don de profecía. Son figuras queridas en el campo, y los aldeanos alimentarán y cuidarán a los yoguis mientras deambulan de región en región, en busca de la pureza y el conocimiento perfectos a través de la meditación, los trances extáticos y la aterradora automortificación.
Una pieza apasionante realizada en madera de suar local, la escultura evoca el misticismo oriental y la cruda simplicidad utilizada para inducir la contemplación y la reflexión.
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I can t help but touch this beautifully carved piece every time I pass by it
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I have been intrigued by the crying Buddha for years. I sometimes struggle with depression and the crying Buddha makes me feel less alone. I bought both the small and larger carving because I didnt know how they would feel. I want to offer comfort to the Buddha and I didnt know what that would look like. Would I want to hold it in my hand or would I want to stroke his back? Turns out, I want to do both. I brought the smaller carving to work and I have the larger statue on my grandmothers desk. I rub the larger statues back every time I walk into my living room. I offer the Buddha my comfort and he offers me his. I hold the smaller carving in my hand when Im at work. The smooth contours of the carving beg to be touched. Im so happy with both of them. They are beautiful.
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This “meditating yogi” is simply beautiful. The craftsmanship is unbelievably amazing. It is exactly as described and the shipping was what I expected. I look forward to purchasing more from this website.
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Terrific ... Theres life to it ...
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I bought this for my lovely granddaughter and her husband upon the arrival of their first child. It is so impressive as a new family begins and all of lifes adventures await the three of them! They absolutely loved it as did I for the exquisite carving and depiction of a new family ready for the future! It could not be more perfect!
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This is a wonderful piece. It can stand vertical or lay as a bowl. My wife uses it to put small flowers across it. Very cleanly carved. Wonderful
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