Un símbolo del antiguo Siam, los elefantes son los favoritos en Tailandia. Este alegre paquidermo está destinado a traer buena suerte. Pintado a mano, adorna un generoso bolsillo delantero en un bolso bandolera de algodón. Por Jiap Rojjana, el bolso está completamente forrado y un bolsillo interior con cremallera mantiene los objetos pequeños a mano. Tanto el bolsillo exterior como el bolso se cierran con botones de cáscara de coco.
Debido a que cada uno es una obra de arte de bordado individual, los colores y motivos pueden variar ligeramente según la inspiración del artesano.
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Verified Reviewer
The elephant handbag was skillfully made in a very practical design—and I love the elephant, too. I m especially pleased that it is 100% cotton fabric, both inside and out. 5 stars.
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Tried to a review this many times, but site did not function and I could not write or post on it. I Contacted Customer Service which asked me to write my review and they would post it, but what happened to it is a mystery. ?? I only mention this because I loved the purse and wanted Jiap to know that as soon as I received it. She is a very creative and excellent seamstress. By the way, I Iadded beads and tassels for extra fun.
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Verified Reviewer
I love this bag and use as much as I can. Carries all my stuff and isnt bulky. Very much like the color and the elephants. Thank you Jiap Rojjana.
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