"Las historias que me contaba mi abuelo me inspiraron para crear esta escultura", explica el tallista guatemalteco José Canil Ramos. "Para el pueblo maya, el venado es la criatura más inteligente de todas y representa la pureza de los bosques". Canil talla la escultura a mano en madera de pino y la pinta con un arte extraordinario. Antes de terminar la pieza aplica una mezcla de hollín y agua para lograr una ilusión antigua y desgastada.
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This is just the perfect item for my eclectic living room wall
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This was a Christmas gift to a recipient who always gets some form of a reindeer every year, and this was a total hit this year. Beautifully and artistically well made.
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Verified Reviewer
there are only 2 left. and they are priceless folk art. I have ordered other treasures from this talented creator...and I am always so happy and amazed by the craft-man-ship. truly me thinks either money goes further where he lives or they need to raise the price. and st rahael the healer is very special to me and my husband....he worked at a hospital named st Raphael in New Haven .....and the day it was purchased lightning struck the hospital and the power went out...and mother superior and the other nuns/care givers were let go
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