Product ID: 317993
El artesano peruano Kelvin Maguina diseña este joyero de madera bellamente detallado en cálidos tonos dorados con detalles en marrón, rojo y verde. El joyero presenta una intrincada decoración en el exterior hecha de madera de cedro y cuero repujado. Un par de pájaros revolotean en un jardín de flores y hojas ornamentadas en la tapa y variaciones de ese motivo se trasladan a los costados y al frente. El joyero tiene tres cajones y un compartimento superior, todos forrados con una tela roja suave y aterciopelada. Un espejo rectangular está unido al lado interior de la tapa, que puede permanecer abierta con la ayuda de una bisagra de correa de cuero.
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I purchased two of Kelvins jewelry boxes. Both are extremely well-made and beautifully designed. I cant praise his work high enough. I enjoyed his biography as well. Thank you Kelvin for the high quality work that you do!
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I was looking for something to store my TV remote controls and other random things on my end table. What a LOVELY addition to the living room, such beautiful detailing. Would make a great jewelry box as well.
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Verified Reviewer
This is a beautiful jewelry chest. Exactly how described. Received in perfect condition. Thank you.
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