De artesano peruano Kelvin Maguiña Viene este elaborado y colorido joyero. Fabricada a mano con madera de cedro y cuero, la caja está forrada con pana granate y cuenta con tres cajones extraíbles debajo del compartimento principal. Los colibríes y las flores están tallados a mano en la tapa y los lados de la caja y pintados en colores vibrantes.
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Verified Reviewer
I was very impressed by the quality, beauty and functionality of the box. Kelvin Maguina is an amazing artisan, and I was honored to give his work of art to my dear friend Johanna.
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I was looking for something to store my TV remote controls and other random things on my end table. What a LOVELY addition to the living room, such beautiful detailing. Would make a great jewelry box as well.
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Verified Reviewer
This is a beautiful jewelry chest. Exactly how described. Received in perfect condition. Thank you.
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