El azul marino y el blanco crean la ilusión de relajantes olas espumosas. El diseño es de artistas mayas de Yucatán, quienes utilizan técnicas de tejido tradicionales con habilidad experimentada.
Mucho antes de que los españoles llegaran a las costas de la península de Yucatán, los mayas preferían dormir y descansar en hamacas. Consideraron la hamaca como el abrazo amoroso de una madre, por la forma cómoda en que se sostiene y se mece el cuerpo dentro de su cuna. Los artistas mayas de Yucatán buscan preservar las costumbres ancestrales al mismo tiempo que ofrecen versiones estilizadas de la hamaca maya original. Para ellos, la hamaca es una obra de arte. Sus hamacas son increíblemente cómodas, fáciles de mantener y se pueden almacenar en casi cualquier lugar.
Tenga en cuenta: las cuerdas de extensión adjuntas pueden variar en color de las que se muestran en las imágenes.
Se empaca fácilmente para viajar a la playa o al lago. Se incluyen cuerdas extensoras (que miden 1 metro), ganchos para hamaca (ganchos "S") e instrucciones paso a paso para una fácil instalación.
NOTA: Debido a que cada uno está tejido individualmente a mano, las medidas pueden variar hasta diez centímetros. Puede haber ligeras variaciones de color de una hamaca a otra.
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Best hammock
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This hammock is very important to me, I have back issues and this is really comfortable Id recommend it highly to anyone who needs to relax with a good book or to nap workmanship is excellent. You can take it anywhere and set it up between a couple trees.There are many different colors to choose from. When ordering the products arrive packed neatly, and they come with nice cards describing where they came from and which individual made the product, and a story of the town and country of origin, sometimes stories of the individuals life and their family, so to conclude I would very much recommend Novica to everyone everything Ive bought is extremely beautiful and mostly all handmade, the silver rings and cuffs and earings etcetera are beautifully handcrafted and you can tell they were all made with love so much delicate and tedious workmanship put into each and every product. Im just grateful I found this company, I just recently received5 handmade masks,and I love them .thank you So
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Love this hammock. It is very well made, even after a few Texas summers it looks brand new.
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Item was a wedding gift & recipients loved it. Can t wait till spring to hang it up.
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I bought this item as a gift for my sister, who has a beautiful garden. She loved it. Now she can relax outside with a book, or take a nap !
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This is a gorgeous, comfortable, well-made and - did I already say beautiful? - hammock!!!
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