María contempla la corona de espinas, encontrando fuerza a través de la oración. Venerada por su perfecta obediencia a Dios, ahora debe aceptar el sacrificio de su hijo, ya que Jesús ofrece su propia vida en expiación por los pecados de la humanidad. Alejandro Ramírez la retrata en reverente panel en relieve de cedro, adornado con pan de bronce.
Un gancho de metal en la parte trasera facilita colgarlo.
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I had purchased an incredibly beautiful cedar wood panel The Good Shepherd by Alejandro Ramierz. I was so inspired by the work of art I made a second purchased with this wood panel the Portrait of Christ. The review I left for The Good Shepherd says exactly how I feel about this amazing work of art by gifted artist Alejandro Ramierz as well. When I opened the cedar relief panel package of Our Lord Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd, in all honestly my heart leaped when a saw its beauty and the light radiating from His face. I absolutely love it! What a wonderful, serene, inspirational work of art! God has blessed you Alejandro Ramirez with the wonderful gift of carving and capturing Our Lords peace and love for us! What a wonderful reminder to have received during this season of Lent! It is placed in a focal point right when walking in our home for all to see. God Bless and keep you in His care always Alejandro. Thank you very much!
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When I opened the cedar relief panel package of Our Lord Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd, in all honestly my heart leaped when a saw its beauty and the light radiating from His face. I absolutely love it! What a wonderful, serene, inspirational work of art! God has blessed you Alejandro Ramirez with the wonderful gift of carving and capturing Our Lords peace and love for us! What a wonderful reminder to have received during this time of Lent! It is placed in a focal point right when walking in our home for all to see. God Bless and keep you in His care always Alejandro. Thank you very much!
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We purchased this as an Ordination Anniversary gift for a Catholic priest. He loved it! He was thrilled with the craftsmanship and the detail.
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