Product ID: 267767
Representado en el Códice Florentino y en pinturas históricas, el guerrero jaguar cobra vida en la cerámica. Los artesanos de la Asociación de Artesanos Ángel Cerón representan al guerrero con las garras del jaguar en sus manos, así como una máscara que representa al feroz felino moteado. Estos guerreros formaban una de las divisiones de élite del ejército azteca.
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Awesome piece- Highly detailed!
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We are proud to display this authentic piece of art in our home. It reminds us that our lineage placed great importance on our history and symbolism of our ancestors. We treasure where we came from and this artistic piece will remain in our families for generations to come.
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Being a fan of precolombian pieces,I thought Angel Caron did a marvelous job.It has a prominent spot on our wall unit. Great service also! Lloyd Wright
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Highly skilled interpretation of Olmec Wrestler. Love it. Angel Ceron Artisan Association has some marvelous pieces. My son gave me another sculpture that I cherish as well. Buy with confidence. The packing job was extraordinary! Ive never seen anything like it! If youre worried about fragile ceramic pieces, dont be. Ive never seen such a professional packing job.
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Lovely, detailed, historical piece
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What a beautifully made mask! And PERFECTLY packaged for its trip to its new home. Excellent!!!!
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