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Pendientes De Plata De Ley Con Múltiples Piedras Preciosas Y Chakras, "Resplandor"

Product ID: 219742

EspañolLas gemas de colores cuelgan de aros entrelazados en los pendientes de la colección de joyas de chakras de Rituu. Elaborados a mano, los... more

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EspañolLas gemas de colores cuelgan de aros entrelazados en los pendientes de la colección de joyas de chakras de Rituu. Elaborados a mano, los pendientes de plata de ley presentan amatista, topacio azul, iolita, citrino, cornalina, granate y peridoto. Cada gema está asociada a un chakra en función de su color. Las piedras de color violeta claro y claro se asocian con el séptimo chakra (conciencia y sabiduría); las gemas de color púrpura, violeta e índigo con el sexto chakra (intuición y percepción), y las azules o celestes con el quinto, el de la comunicación y la verdad. Las piedras verdes y rosas son para el amor y la compasión, vinculadas al corazón, en el cuarto chakra. Para el poder interior y la voluntad, el tercer chakra se asocia con gemas amarillas, mientras que la emoción y la sexualidad se vinculan con gemas rojas y naranjas para el segundo chakra. Las gemas negras se utilizan para estimular el primer chakra, el de la estabilidad y la seguridad.

Plata de ley .925

  • 3 grams
  • 0.11 oz
  • Length: 1.4" x 0.4" W
  • Length: 1.4" x 0.4" W

  • Color(s) may vary slightly
  • High polish finish
  • Hook earrings
  • Made in India
  • Certified and shipped by our office in Indiaicon info
  • Product ID: 219742

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Your Purchase Makes a Difference!

Preserving Traditions

Preserving Traditions

Since childhood, Rituu has been drawn to the rich history of Indian jewelry, particularly that of her native Jaipur. She married into a family of jewelry artisans who, for generations, have passed their skills down from elder to younger. Rituu's husband encouraged her to create her own jewelry and she persevered, learning all she could. She now has a workshop where she teaches traditional jewelry making techniques to the people who work with her.

Empowering Women

Empowering Women

Rituu is a powerful woman who learned the rich jewelry-making traditions of her husband's family and turned them into a thriving workshop. In spite of the crippling effects of osteoporosis and other bone ailments, Rituu works through her pain and shares her knowledge with others. Through the great success of her jewelry, she has been able to hire a number of other artisans, most of whom are women.

Profound Impact

Profound Impact

Novica sales account for much of Rituu's income. They have helped her to survive a health crisis and to grow her workshop. She is now one of Novica's most successful Indian jewelry artisans. The stable income that Novica sales bring has profoundly impacted Rituu's life and the lives of her workers.

Confronting Adversity

Confronting Adversity

Rituu has struggled to overcome the crippling effects of osteoporosis and other bone ailments. It affected her work for a number of years but her determination has driven her forward and she has rebuilt her jewelry workshop in spite of her chronic health issues.

Job Creator

Job Creator

Rituu's husband encouraged her to start designing and crafting jewelry on her own. She has steadily grown her workshop and is now able to provide full-time employment to other artisans, most of whom are women.

Moving On Up

Moving On Up

When Rituu started her jewelry workshop, she joined Novica. She has steadily grown her project as is now able to employ several full-time assistants.

Microcredit Financing

Microcredit Financing

Rituu Agarwal has received 2 microcredit loans with 0% interest from Kiva and Novica, the first for $2500 and the most recent for $2900.

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