Product ID: 304274
Como parte de la ropa militar estándar durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los suéteres como este suéter de lana eran populares entre los militares por su comodidad, durabilidad y calidez. El estilo de cuello chal se abotona para cortar el frío tal como lo hacía a bordo de los portaaviones en los años 40. Los codos reforzados con lona de sarga de algodón añaden durabilidad.
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Quality, workmanship.Attractive and Very warm.
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It's fantastic, and just as advertised! I have to believe that it's almost a perfect match to the WWII Military Sweater. It fits perfectly, and I really love the look and feel. I can wear it with jeans (super casual) or with a less casual pair of slacks that coordinate with it. Most of all, I love its warmth while still being quite stylish. A perfect addition to my wardrobe.
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I like the versatility of this sweater in its many pleasing functions.
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These are wonderful for the winter and the new pair is for next year. They are comfortable and waterproof and are my go to for daily wear.
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These slippers are comfortable and are of high quality. I bought them for may daughter-in-law, who loves them.
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Very comfortable!
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