Product ID: 284744
Con un color marrón rojizo sólido, este taburete de Ghana está hecho a mano de madera de cedro, con una parte superior redonda y tres patas. Diseñado por Raphat Asigbey, cada pierna está tallada en forma de máscara, celebrando las virtudes de la vida familiar. El artesano le da al taburete un acabado rústico, acentuando cada cara con una placa de aluminio en relieve que representa el adinkra simbolos Gye nyame, pempasie, y akoko nan, reflejando espiritualidad, preparación y disciplina.
áfrica Occidental
Máscaras, esculturas y detalles decorativos africanos tallados a mano
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Delightful table, beautifully made, and very effective.
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I was so looking forward to adding this mask to my collection of masks but was disappointed to find that it was not carved out to create a hollow back like my other masks. This is a solid piece which makes it heavier than necessary. I am wary to hang this on the wall along with my other masks given the weight so I will have to lay it down on the table as a conversation piece. I also wish the paint less skimpy.
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Nice Very different & unique
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