Sentado en el asanas posición, un gato siamés practica yoga sosteniendo sus patas delanteras hacia la mitad chakra. Cierra los ojos mientras inhala y exhala, en una vívida estatuilla de madera de albesia tallada y pintada a mano por Nengah Sudarsana.
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In January I lost a beloved Siamese Snowshoe cat (with white paws). I bought this dear little carving to put on her table with her ashes and other memorial items. It is beautifully carved and painted, and lends an air of serenity to the setting. Thank you, Nengah, for a wonderful work of art!
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This was a gift for my brother. He was amazed and very pleased to receive it. The carving and the painting are masterfully done.
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I love this kitty. I wish I could purchase the dog right now. And a horse and a whole bunch of them.
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