I bought this with confidence because I trust NOVICA's quality and protective packaging. They also did a nice job on the gift wrap. I was relieved that it wasn't seasonal wrap because this was for a wedding, rather than the holiday.
This is beautiful and arrived in perfect condition. It really is an outstanding work of art and I am thrilled every time I look at it. The colors and details are lovely and the slightly raised section circling the mirror adds dimension.
I rated it along with the other one I bought. I thought the open row between the mirror edge and the the red outer edge was ok. When I got it I was delighted to find they were not open scallops but another tier of mirrors!
Red Glassred glass sculpturejarrones de cristal de muranored glass wall decorhand blown drinking glassesart glass sculpturemurano glass sculptureplacas cranealesmanteles indioscopas de vinodrinkwaremarcos de fotoscopper sculptures