I love this bag. It is well-made with beautiful cloth and decoration. If they would offer this in black, i would buy another one! When I carry this, I feel chic but also supportive of artisans who make beautiful craft objects.
I am so impressed with this purse. It is light, many pockets inside and out. And soooo much room I sometimes get lost in it. Also love the color, beautiful fern green.
I feel special everytime I place it on my shoulder. Thanks g o t a great job!
"Soy una persona a la que siempre le gusta hacer todo, cada vez mejor. Si siento que algo no es lo suficientemente bueno, no me rindo. Siempre daré lo mejor de mí hasta lograr lo que quiero".
"¡Hola! Mi nombre es Chirada Loetparisanyu. Nací el 7 de abril de 1973. Mi ciudad natal está en la provincia de Chonburi, pero me mudé a Chiang... read more